Client Survey Please rate your overall business experience with UAS?*Where 0 is for unsatisfactory and 10 for very satisfactory.012345678910Have you experienced any service related issues with UAS?*Service deliveryStaff expertise and experienceCommunicationPricingInvoicing or billingPaymentCredit facilities其他Are you currently working with another trip support provider(s)? Are you currently working with another trip support provider(s)?*Yes, I’m currently using one (or various) trip support provider globallyNo, I’m arranging everything in-houseWhy did you choose to work with one (or various) trip support provider(s)?*Quality of the service deliveryExpertise and experience of staffStreamlined communicationCompetitive pricingHassle-free invoicing and billingGreat credit facilitiesStrategic partnership其他Why did you choose to arrange all the services in-house?*Control over flight ops costControl over service delivery qualityBuilding internal know-how其他Which trip support provider (s) are you currently using?Tell us more about your experience with us and how we can improve it?名字姓氏电子邮箱*Please enable JavaScript to submit this form.我想订阅 UAS 新闻提交此栏应留空