Douala International Airport FKKD


Douala International Airport FKKD

Christian Bagneki | - 10/02/2018

Douala International Airport FKKD: Serving Cameroon’s largest city, Douala International Airport is located only about 10 minutes from the city centre. Here’s what you need to know.

City: Douala 国家: 喀麦隆 
国际 民航 组织: FKKD  国际航空运输协会(IATA):  DLA
Lead time for permit approval: 72 hours  坐标: 04° 00’42,3406″ N 009° 42’29,6978″ E
海拔: 10m (33ft.) AOE: 是的 
PPR: 没有 Slots: 没有
接地频率:  119.7 塔频率: 119.7
Operating hours: 24/7 时区: UTC+1
  • PCN: RWY 12 & 30 PCN 59/F/C/X/U TWY PCN 81/F/C/W/U
  • Length of longest runway: 2,850m
  • Type of aircraft handled: All types
  • Navaid: VOR/DME & ILS/LOC & ILS/DME & NDB
  • Terminal capacity: 1,500,000 pax
  • Cargo capacity: 16,500 tons
  • Fire category: Cat 8
  • Alternative airports: FKYS, FKKU, FKKV
  • Fuel types: Jet A1, Avgas 100 LL

Night Restriction & Noise Restriction 

Between 2000-0600 UTC, jet takeoff must be from RWY 12. Takeoffs from RWY 30 are only authorized under certain meteorological conditions.

The noise abatement procedure states that aircraft must maintain takeoff thrust and speed until 1,000 FT with a left turn. Then, for aircraft proceeding to the North, backtrack over station minimum FL 040 and normal navigation, For aircraft proceeding to the West, South, and East take normal navigation heading.


Due to a fault with the hydrant system, priority for refuelling is given to regular commercial flights over non-scheduled flights.

Contact numbers

  • Police: 1500
  • Fire: 118
  • Airport authority: +237 233 431486
  • AIS: +237691399774

Douala has a tropical climate. The rainy season falls in the months of March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October. December is the driest month. Humidity is generally significant with lowest temperatures reaching around 23 degrees and highest around 32.

Tourist Attractions
  • La Pagode (The Palace of the Kings Bell)
  • Doual’art Gallery
  • Douala Maritime Museum
  • Douala-Edéa Wildlife Reserve

For support with your flight operations to Douala International Airport, contact UAS