欧洲航空安全局(EASA)和欧洲民航数据中心(ECDC)放宽了针对航空旅行的 COVID-19 措施


欧洲航空安全局(EASA)和欧洲民航数据中心(ECDC)放宽了针对航空旅行的 COVID-19 措施


The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) have updated health safety measures for air travel, dropping the recommendation for mandatory wearing of medical masks in airports and onboard a flight.

Face masks will no longer need to be mandatory in air travel in all cases, broadly aligning with the changing requirements of national authorities across Europe for public transport.

While mandatory mask-wearing in all situations is no longer recommended, it is important to be mindful that together with physical distancing and good hand hygiene it is one of the best methods of reducing transmission.

The rules and requirements of departure and destination states should be respected and applied consistently, and operators should ensure they inform passengers of any required measures.

These new recommendations came into effect on May 16, however rules for masks, in particular, will continue to vary by airline beyond that date.

For support with your flight operations, contact UAS