UAS Global Trip Manager Technology launches at EBACE 2022
Business aviation operators will be able to enjoy the fastest, most powerful trip management system on the market. Launching at EBACE 2022 (May 23 to 25), UAS Global Trip Manager technology gives even greater control of all planning activities to deliver fast, efficient, and simple access to all trip details, from anywhere, and at any time.
The web and mobile-based trip planning application provides real-time updates and information on all service requests globally, so operators have the power to manage all their trip planning needs as well as manage their own company profile, including personnel, contacts, fleet, documentation, etc.
Unrivalled features of UAS Global Trip Manager include:
- 实时跟踪所有服务请求并按需检查航班状态
- Flight Briefs, Fuel Releases, Hotel Vouchers, GENDECS, Airport briefs
- Operational and technical information for all airports worldwide
- All country information including flight permit requirements
- 与护照、签证和健康信息集成的应用程序接口
- 旅客信息预报系统(APIS)
- 集第三方调度为一体的旅客信息预报系统
- 与团队/行程所有者直接联系的聊天功能
- 服务更新和移动时间的推送通知
“UAS technology is designed to give the customer something they have never seen before, as well as more
power and more freedom. We designed Global Trip Manager to overcome the major and minor pain points that operators experience and give them total and immediate control of all trip planning activities in the most comprehensive way yet,” said Mohammad Husary, Co-Owner/ Founder and Executive President.
“Our Global Trip Manager is designed to be optimally efficient and straightforward; it delivers the ultimate user experience and we’re in no doubt it will be an instant hit with operators globally,” he added.
UAS is committed to developing groundbreaking set of aviation solutions designed for specific industry needs, aiming to provide the most customized and responsive solutions to clients’ unique requirements, no matter how complex.
UAS is exhibiting at EBACE 2022 Booth A22 and welcomes visitors who wish to learn more about Global Trip Manager.
UAS 国际旅行支持公司是一家屡获殊荣的定制旅行支持解决方案供应商,为全球客户提供服务。 UAS 提供一站式服务,满足所有航空需求,包括旅行支持、行政差旅和包机,深受国家元首、VVIP、财富全球 500 强企业和全球公务机运营商的信赖。UAS 成立于 2000 年,公司的愿景是为其他供应商尚未涉足的领域提供服务,从那时起,UAS 就一直站在最前沿,预测客户的需求并超越客户的期望。UAS 在 31 个地点设有地面机构,其全球网络不断扩大,以确保客户在每个目的地都能获得最佳的监督和质量。UAS 利用其专业知识和经验,提供专为公务航空设计的、改变游戏规则的技术解决方案。其首要任务是彻底改变国际商务飞行用户的体验。欲了解更多信息,请访问