The EU has an new system for inbound air shipment, ICS2. This is what operators need to know.
What is ICS2?
ICS2 (Import Control System 2) is the large-scale advanced cargo information system that the European Union is currently preparing to implement.
Part of a new customs pre-arrival safety and security program, the IT system is designed to collect data about all goods entering the EU prior to their arrival, termed as pre-loading advance cargo information (PLACI).
Who will it affect?
The change affects air cargo carriers operating direct flights from third countries via or into EU Member States.
How will it change cargo operations?
Cargo operators must declare safety and security data to ICS2, through the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS).
Once ICS2 is implemented, operators must ensure to obtain all required goods information from their customers to submit to EU authorities ahead of their operations.
How should cargo operators prepare for ICS2?
Cargo operators are being reminded to take the necessary steps to ensure their IT systems are prepared in time.
What are the dangers of non-compliance?
EU customs authorities may reject ENS declarations that lack complete or accurate data.
Customs may also decide to impose administrative sanctions for non-compliance with data requirements.
Why is ICS2 being implemented?
The system aims to better protect Europe’s single market and facilitate free trade through improved data-driven customs security processes.
Where is more information available?
Visit the official European Commission website here.
For support with your cargo operations to the EU, contact UAS