4 Key Takeaways from my time at Harvard Business School
4 Key Takeaways from my time at Harvard Business School – I recently had the privilege of graduating from Harvard Business School, a journey I began in 2019 but was disrupted for a time by the COVID pandemic. I was part of the Owner/President Management program, a transformational experience that has accelerated my drive to constantly amplify operational excellence and advance the vision of my companies. Over the past five years I have had the privilege of getting to know many amazing classmates who are business leaders from every corner of the globe. It is impossible to communicate every aspect of this personal and professional evolution, but I am delighted to share four key takeaways I cherish from my Harvard experience.
1. Mindset is everything
The Harvard Business School OPM program was a transformative experience. We studied fascinating case studies discussed by some of the world’s leading business and leadership professors and enjoyed insights from my brilliant classmates on the challenges and successes of some of the biggest companies that shape our world… What they all pointed to was the importance of mindset. We must constantly expand our mindsets as leaders because this is where everything begins.
2. Teamwork is the only work
One of the highlights of my Harvard experience was hearing the unique visions, stories, and approaches of my classmates. They have undoubtedly inspired and motivated me to achieve even greater things. Each classmate was a case study in themselves, and this made the experience even more relatable and rewarding. And sharing our experiences with each other opened us up to new ways of thinking, problem-solving, and coping. This is why teamwork is truly the only kind of work… there is no challenge we can’t overcome in unity.
3. Good business = good ethics
The Harvard Business School mission is to educate leaders who make a difference in the world, an admirable mission and one that I have internalized in a big way. After all, the true purpose of any business is to make a decent profit decently; to serve people’s needs ethically. And serving humanity is the most noble purpose of all. Doing good business and becoming successful is all about having good intentions and good ethics.
4. Stand still, become history
We must constantly strive to refine ourselves and our businesses and evolve for the better. There can be no standing still, no stagnation if we are to remain relevant. Although our purpose remains eternal, our strategies, ideas, and approaches must be flexible, adaptive, and creative. Conscious self-development and continuous education are key to purpose and fulfilment, both professionally and personally. In the words of industrialist and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”
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