African Airport Stops During COVID-19


African Airport Stops during COVID-19

Abdul Oricha | - 04/20/2020

African Airport Stops during COVID-19: Here is a quick guide to technical and overnight stops at African airports during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Country               Airports      T/Stop  N/Stop     
安哥拉 FNLU, FNCA, FNGI, FNMO, FNME 是的 是的 Tech stops allowed for crew only

Night stops at specific hotels only.

贝宁 DBBB 是的 没有 Tech, night and fuel stops permitted

No crew quarantine.

博茨瓦纳 FBSK, FBMN, FBMN, FBFT 是的 没有 Tech stops for fuel only

No night stops allowed.

布基纳法索 DFFD, DFOO 没有 是的 Medevac, cargo, and repatriation

with special government approval only.

布隆迪 HBBA 没有 没有 Medevac, cargo, and repatriation with MOFA approval

Crew cannot leave the airport.

佛得角 GVAC, GVNP 是的 没有 Tech stops, cargo, medevac, humanitarian flights

are permitted but no night stops.

喀麦隆 FKKD, FKYS 是的 没有 Permit applications through normal channels, Exempted flights must try to operate from Monday – Friday between 7:00-19:00UTC
Central African Republic (CAR) FEFF 是的 没有 Airport open from 0600 – 1600Z.
乍得 FTTJ, FTTC 没有 没有 Medevac, cargo, and essential flights with MOFA

approval only.

科摩罗 FMCH 没有 没有 Cargo flights  with government approval.
DRC FZAA, FZNA, FZQA, FZIC 没有 没有 Cargo, medevac, repatriation with

Special government approval only

Handler to be given 48hrs notice.

Republic of Congo FCBB, FCPP, FCOO 是的 没有 Cargo, medevac, repatriation with

government approval only

Handler to be notified.

Cote d’Ivoire DIAP 是的 是的 International flights resumed on July 1.
吉布提 HDAM 是的 没有 Strict permission processes underway.
赤道几内亚 FGSL, FGBT 没有 没有 Cargo, Medevac, humanitarian allowed

No night stops and a 15-day quarantine

for anyone who disembarks. 

厄立特里亚 HHAS, HHSB, HHMS 没有 没有 Cargo, Medevac, humanitarian allowed

Make permit request as early as possible. 

Eswatini FDSK 没有 没有  —
埃塞俄比亚 HAAB, HADR 是的 是的 Tech stops permitted with 1 hour ground time

night stops permitted for cargo, medevacs,

humanitarian with special government approval.

Diplomatic flights quarantine at specified hotels.

加蓬 FOOL 没有 没有 Cargo, medevacs, humanitarian flights

Night stops with special approval only. 

冈比亚 GBYD 是的 没有 Medical, cargo, special flights only

Permit prior to arrival is required. 

加纳 DGAA 是的 没有 Cargo, medevac, humanitarian flights allowed

with special approval only.

Guinea Conackry GUCY 是的 没有 Permit through the CAA

Ministry of Transport approval is required.

几内亚比绍 GGOV 是的 没有 Aircraft in distress, humanitarian, cargo,

tech stops without disembarkation, security-related

flights, rescue missions are allowed.

肯尼亚 HKMO, HKJK, HKNW, HKEL 是的 是的 Cargo, medevac, humanitarian flights

subject to KCAA and government approval

Night stop crew will be quarantined in a

designated hotel.

莱索托 FXMM 没有 没有
利比里亚 GLRB 是的 没有 Cargo, medevac, ferry and tech stops

Crew must remain on board during transit.

马达加斯加 FMMI 没有 没有 Cargo flights are allowed 

Crew must stay airside. 

马拉维 FWCL,FWKI 是的 没有 Cargo flights and tech stops onlyNight stops not allowed.
马里 GABS, GAGO 是的 没有 Crew must stay in aircraft during transit.
毛里塔尼亚 GQNO, GQPP 是的 没有 Permit requests should be sent on time to the CAA

as final approval must come from Transport Ministry.

毛里求斯 FWCL,FWKI 没有 是的 Cargo only no tech stops allowed.  
马约特 FMCZ 是的 没有 Airport open from 0600Z-1400Z. All operations

through government approval.

莫桑比克 FQMA, FQNC, FQBR, FQNP 是的 是的 Tech stops and night stopped allowed.
纳米比亚 FYWE, FYWH 是的 是的 Apply through the Ministry of Health

for clearance Crew may disembark

but must quarantine for 14 days.

尼日尔 DRRN 是的 没有 Night stops for cargo, medevac, ferry flights

with special approval

Radison Blu is designated for crew rest.

尼日利亚 DNMM, DNAA, DNKN 是的 没有 Permit approval subject to the Ministrywith no guarantees. 
Re-Union Islands FMEE, FMEP 没有 没有
卢旺达 HRYR 是的 是的 Airport is open to GA, aircraft in states of emergency, cargo, tech, medevac, repatriation, and charter or private flights.
圣多美和普林西比 FPST 没有 没有 Cargo and medevac only

with special approval. 

塞内加尔 GOBD, GOSS 是的 是的 Permits must be obtained through MOFA

Copies must be sent for coordination with police.

塞舌尔 FSIA 是的 是的 Crew for night stop must pass basic screening

Only nationals and permanent residents can enter.

塞拉利昂 GFLL 是的 没有 Tech stops and medevacs permitted

Quick turnaround is vital. 

索马里 HCMM 是的 没有 Tech stops allowed with no embarkation or


Government approval required 72 hours prior.

Somaliland HCMH 是的 没有 Tech stops allowed with no embarkation or


Government approval required 72 hours prior.

南非 FAOR, FALE, FACT 是的 是的 Medevac, cargo, repatriation flights only

with special approvals

Crew can stay at designated hotels only.

St. Helena / Ascencion FHSH 没有 没有
坦桑尼亚 HTDA, HTZA, HTKJ 是的 是的 Flight restrictions have been lifted.
多哥 DXXX 没有 没有 Evacuation, cargo, technical stops, and special

flights require special authorization 

Disembarkation of passengers is prohibited.

乌干达 HUEN 是的 是的 Night stops are allowed for medevac, cargo,

and humanitarian flights allowed

Expect a strict permit process.

Transport of human remains in is suspended.

赞比亚 FLKK 是的 Yes Night stops are allowed for Medevac flights and

diplomatically cleared flights only

Crew will undergo quarantine for their rest

for a max of 3 days.

津巴布韦 FVJN, FVRG, FVFA 没有 没有 Tech or night stops are not allowed.

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