BizAv In Europe- Getting Ready For EBACE2019


BizAv In Europe- Getting Ready for EBACE2019

Mohammed Husary | - 05/09/2019

BizAv In Europe- Getting Ready for EBACE2019: The past year has seen Europe experience significant political and economic uncertainty, but its effect on business aviation activity in the region isn’t cut and dry. According to WingX, bizav movements have basically remained the same in Europe over the past year. WingX also reports a slowdown in some key industry hubs, particularly London, no doubt due to commercial uncertainty as the Brexit debacle continues. In March this year, Spain had the largest record of business aviation activity, with France also recording positively. However, activity in Germany took a marked drop that month. If there was ever a dynamic market, it’s Europe.

The projected growth of global passenger traffic over the coming decades represents a major challenge for our industry internationally. And Europe lags behind when it comes to regulatory fluidity. For example, a European Commission report that compared air traffic management in Europe to that of the U.S. found that in 2017, Europe’s fragmented regulatory system resulted in 50% more flights being delayed there than in the U.S. A significant amount! Innovative ideas and government support are required to ensure harmonious regulations are implemented, airport and transport infrastructure are updated, and powerful technologies are adapted.

The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) is continuously advocating for an inclusive aviation framework to support enhanced connectivity, efficiency, regional cohesion, and general competitiveness throughout Europe, with access to airspace and airports being a major concern. According to EBAA, bizav makes a hugely important contribution to local communities and economies because it can transport passengers and provisions where others can’t or don’t. The fact that business aviation makes possibilities boundless is something we who love this industry know only too well. So, we must continue to demonstrate its effectiveness, as well as lobby for investment.

I’m really looking forward to discussing these topics and more at EBACE later this month. See you at Palexpo in Geneva.