EU Deadline For CPDLC Now Past


EU Deadline for CPDLC Now Past

UAS Operations | - 02/11/2020

EU Deadline for CPDLC Now Past: CPDLC (Controller Pilot Data Link Communications) is a new regulation applied in the EU that became applicable to all operators on February 5.

It is applied for all Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flying above 28,500 flights within European airspace.

CPDLC in Europe is to be performed via ATN VDL Mode 2.

Since this is an airspace requirement, unless exempted, regulation is applicable for all airspace users flying with the airspace defined in the Regulation 29/2009 below.

Check out the consolidated version of Regulation (EC) No 29/2009 here.

Take a look at the EC Implementing Decision 2019/2012 here.

For support with your flight operations to Europe, contact UAS.