Hong Kong APIS From September 1


Hong Kong APIS from September 1

UAS Operations | - 07/09/2024

Hong Kong APIS from September 1 – Operators need to be aware of the upcoming implementation of the Advance Passenger Information system (APIS) for civil aircraft heading to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 

From September 1, operators of civil aircraft carrying passengers to Hong Kong (including transit passengers) are required to provide the Immigration Department with accurate aircraft information and Advance Passenger Information data of all passengers and crew members. 

Once the API data and aircraft information has been submitted to the Immigration Department, operators will be issued directions to allow (“board direction”) or disallow (“no-board direction”) each traveler to board the aircraft.  

There will be a transitional period of 12 months during which the rollout of the APIS will be conducted in phases.  

Non-compliance with the legal requirements under the regulation during the transitional period will not be enforced.  

For more information, email the Immigration Department directly here. 

For support with your flight operations to Hong Kong, contact UAS