通过 IBAC 加强公务航空的声音 
UAS 联合所有人兼首席执行官奥马尔-霍萨里(Omar Hosari)与 IBAC 总干事库尔特-爱德华兹(Kurt Edwards)合影
UAS 联合所有人兼首席执行官奥马尔-霍萨里(Omar Hosari)与 IBAC 总干事库尔特-爱德华兹(Kurt Edwards)合影


通过 IBAC 加强公务航空的声音 

Omar Hosari | - 08/04/2023

Strengthening the voice of Business Aviation with IBAC: Uniting our mutual knowledge and influence is vital to the sustained growth of our industry, particularly at times when it is misunderstood and under attack in some quarters. The recent forest fires in Rhodes and other Greek islands remind us of the lifesaving capabilities of general aviation… whether as a tool of evacuation or as the only means to effectively fight these fires. It is our duty to unite as an industry to strengthen our voice and advocate for the conditions required to simplify global operations in order to support supply chains and grow economies.  

Recently, UAS entered a partnership with the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) through its Industry Partner program which is open to all sectors of the global business aviation community. This provides us with the opportunity to assist IBAC in shaping standards before they are adopted and applied as regulations by CAAs in their sovereign countries. And our knowledge and experience of global operational challenges and opportunities afford us excellent insight to share. We are excited and proud of this affiliation as we are committed to the betterment of our industry and determined to advocate for the diverse needs of the global business aviation community.  

IBAC’s advocacy and influence on forming industry standards are central to the continued vitality and success of business aviation, and we share IBAC’s passion and are committed to making a unique contribution and helping communicate and demonstrate the awesome benefits of business aviation for the global economy and society at large. It’s an honor to partner with IBAC and join a powerful force in the sustainable future of the industry we love. And we hope to see many more of our industry peers make the same commitment as we work together to ensure a prosperous and mutually beneficial future.  

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