Transport Innovations Continue With The Hyperloop


Transport innovations continue with the Hyperloop

Mohammed Al Husary | - 11/12/2020

Groundbreaking technology is empowering transport visionaries and pioneers to overhaul and improve the way we travel (and therefore, the way we live and work) into the future. Human imagination and innovation are constantly pondering how we can better facilitate the ultra-fast and sustainable movement of people and cargo all over the world. So far, there has been some wonderful progress made.

It was great to see a bit of transport history taking place earlier this week when the Virgin Hyperloop was successfully tested with passengers in Nevada, U.S. Although it has had many trials in the past, this is the first time it went ahead with human beings inside thus proving that occupant safety and comfort are guaranteed.  This follows the release of guidelines to firm a regulatory framework providing a pathway for hyperloop regulation and deployment by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the Non-Traditional and Emerging Transportation Technology (NETT) Council earlier this year.  Such regulations would also establish the hyperloop’s eligibility for U.S. federal funding, putting it firmly in the spotlight of future development potential.

This historic trial will also pave the way for the certification of hyperloop systems around the world – a key step towards commercial projects. So, it may not be too long until hyperloops are part of the physical landscape of our transport infrastructure. I’ve already considered the possibilities attached to the development of urban air mobility (UAM) and written about the disruptive innovation of unmanned aircraft systems and unmanned aerial vehicles. Particularly the multiple benefits that it brings, such as hugely enhanced time-efficiency for users, and it will decongest ground traffic for everybody else. The Hyperloop is similar: It’s a more sustainable transport means and will enable travelers to get long distances in a faster, more environmentally friendly way.

I’m eager to see the next steps in this transport system’s establishment and delighted to be around to witness one of the first new modes of mass transport in a century.

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