China Announces New Measures To Tackle COVID-19


China announces new measures to tackle COVID-19

China Operations | - 03/05/2020
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China announces new measures to tackle COVID-19: To date, the COVID-19 coronavirus has infected over 90,000 people in 77 countries globally, however, the majority of these cases are in China.

New measures to ensure epidemic prevention and control and facilitate the resumption of work and production have been announced in Beijing.

Applying to offices and commercial premises, the measures are:

  • Reduce the amount of personnel through flexible working systems and option of working from home
  • Employees returning to Beijing must home quarantine for 14 days, report any symptoms, and seek medical treatment
  • Monitor the body temperature of employees on a daily basis
  • Ensure employees wear masks as required when working
  • Take elevators in small groups so the elevator is at less than half capacity
  • Ensure employees are at least a meter apart at all times
  • Daily cleaning and disinfection of public areas and key areas in accordance with the relevant requirements of the disease prevention and control agencies
  • Use centralized air conditioning and ventilation systems, turn off the return air, and clean, disinfect, or replace key components on a weekly basis
  • Effectively manage any visiting personnel to prevent major potential dangers to the epidemic prevention and safety of the office
  • Clarify the person responsible for epidemic prevention and full-time epidemic prevention personnel

UAS China operations continue to run smoothly although the virus outbreak is still severe in Beijing.

Keep up to date with the latest travel advice and precautionary measures for all countries on the IATA website.

For support with your operations in China, contact UAS